Transition to NIBRS 2019
Updated: Mar 13, 2020
As most of you are already aware the state is on track to complete the transition from Summary Based UCR to NIBRS by the end of September 2019. As we begin to approach this date, we here at SSI wanted to update you all on the status of InterOp®’s abilities to report and track NIBRS data elements.
We have just completed the data, functionality, and submission development in InterOp® to comply with the NIBRS standards. You DO NOT have this version yet, we are just now beginning to beta test the NIBRS compliant version at one of our current agencies. As you are aware, an agency must submit 4 months of qualified data with an error rate < 4% to receive certification for the automated system. Since the State’s schedule is not sufficient for us to wait 3 months to submit newly captured data, we will be working with our certifying agency to massage existing system data for submission to NIBRS. This too will be the case for your agency once we have installed the NIBRS compliant version.
NIBRS is a new system, quite different from UCR in scope, data elements, and validation rules. While our InterOp® system will offer automation of file submission to Ga-NIBRS, it will by no means be automatic. We fully expect to have several software revisions as we learn what we haven’t yet learned about Ga-NIBRS. You should also fully expect to be challenged in adopting some of the new data rules, as well as working to edit pre-NIBRS records for submission once the time comes.
As always, we will be making every effort to assist our users with tackling the Ga-NIBRS adoption at your agency. However, we will not be providing free training on Ga-NIBRS as it relates to understanding the ins/outs of the standards, definitions, codes and validation rules. Like UCR, this training is the responsibility of the State and your agency. In the future, we may offer some fee-based training as this project progresses, but our initial priority is to get all of our agencies in position to work with the State’s new NIBRS system.
Some agencies have already begun submitting existing reports through the State’s NIBRS portal manually. I would encourage EVERY agency to strongly investigate doing the same. Doing so will insulate your agency from any compliance delays due to submission errors, software update delays, training availability, etc. It will also greatly increase understanding of the Ga-NIBRS system for your personnel responsible for submission, even if it only endures for a couple months before automation through InterOp®.
We will, of course, continue to keep you updated on the status of this update.
Best Regards,
Cary Reno
