COVID -19 Update from Gemalto
The SSI Team received an update from our partners at Gemalto yesterday regarding the proper methods for cleaning GreenBit Scanners clean during the COVID-19 Outbreak.
"March 25 2020
Attention Fingerprint Provider Sites:
On behalf of everyone at Thales, I wanted to reach out to you about what we are doing to support you, your employees and customers. As the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) situation evolves, we are working to ensure you have access to the best information possible to keep people safe.
First and foremost, please follow CDC and local health department guidelines :
Specific to the fingerprinting process, please follow the below best practices:
Sanitize hard surfaces in your store, including fingerprint scanners, after each use with a disinfecting cleaner (see link above).
Wash hands frequently with soap and water (for at least 20 seconds).
Confirm that applicant has not been in contact with anyone infected with COVID-19 and has not been in any high risk areas for infection.
Ensure applicants have washed or sanitized their hands prior to and after fingerprinting.
Cover your nose/mouth in coughing or sneezing, doing so into inner sleeve or tissue. Wash hands immediately thereafter.
Utilize sanitary medical gloves (single use) to avoid hands on contact with people when possible.
Specific scanner care/instructions:
There is no special coating on the glass of any of our scanners. This means they can be cleaned frequently. It is recommended they be cleaned after each customer use or prior to any new customer use.
Cleaning can be performed by using alcohol/disinfectant wipes or ammonia based glass cleaner wipes.
For cleaning and disinfecting of the prism surface, LCD and plastic, it is recommended that a towel, cloth, tissue, or wipe be dampened with an alcohol isopropyl spray/liquid to wipe down all surfaces.
Do not drop liquid directly onto the scanner to avoid inadvertent liquid entering the unit.
To protect and preserve skin before/after use, any gel containing ethanol alcohol can be used.
We appreciate your ongoing support and commitment to safely and hygienically supporting our communities and applicants during these challenging times."

For help keeping your other devices sanitized, check out these other great tips!